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Callisto x Deimos litter (2023)

Callisto is actually Pandora's daughter so this year's litters are truly a family affair! This is her first year breeding and she...

Pandora x Prometheus litter (2023)

Pandora was the first of my females to produce this year! She is one of our original breeders. This year, we paired her with a new male:...

2023 News!

I was originally planning on taking this year off due to travel commitments but that has changed. I now have 4 pairs of skinks showing...

No babies this year

I'm sad to announce that I will not be producing a litter this year. My female, Pandora, has the year off after 2 litters, and my other...

Baby & Juvenile Set Up Guide

Enclosure Setup Before bringing your new pink tongued skink baby home, I recommend getting their enclosure ready in advance, complete...

Shipping to commence in September!

Hello and my apologies for the long wait! It seems that FedEx has not yet returned to normal but the babies are large enough now to...

Waiting on 2020 babies!

We are well into the new year and inquiries have started as to when pink tongue skink babies will be available. We are delighted by your...

This year's litter are getting big!

I was cleaning out the babies yesterday, and decided that they were big enough to move off paper towels and onto a granular substrate. I...

Blog: Blog2
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