Hello and my apologies for the long wait! It seems that FedEx has not yet returned to normal but the babies are large enough now to survive a potential delay. However, I have had to adjust my live arrival guarantee in response to my new inability to insure packages. Now, 2 conditions need to be met for my live arrival guarantee to be honoured: 1/ your package arrives within 24 hours; 2/ an adult is available to sign for the package on the first delivery attempt, OR you have your package held at your local FedEx hub (I highly prefer this option as it's the safest for your skink, keeping it off a hot delivery truck).
During this time, I have carefully compiled a wait list of people who have expressed interest in purchasing one of this year's babies, and I will be working my way through this list (in order of contact) this coming week. I do have more people waiting than babies so I won't be able to accommodate everyone this year, as much as I would like to. I do plan on breeding one female for the coming season and so hope to have another litter in Spring 2021.
Thank you so much for your patience during this crazy year. This is not how I like to do things but we're all just rolling with the punches!
If you don't hear from me within 7 days and have previously requested to be on the wait list, please send me a message (here or on Facebook). Thank you!