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Chicken Biology, part 1

Writer's picture: GemmaGemma

New episode of the podcast is up! Find it on Podbean, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Homestead News:

  • I did adopt that rooster from animal control and he is gorgeous!! He's taking such great care of the hens, and I love finally being able to let them roam. I've been spending a lot of time just sitting out with them and watching them explore.

  • Meatbutt's bumblefoot continues to be an issue. Although most of the swelling has gone down, the abscess came back and I spent a while digging and flushing it out. I might have finally got it all. Fingers crossed!

  • I've been non-stop raking leaves, mulching beds, and putting everything to bed in preparation for winter. I'm so tired but feeling accomplished!

Sugar syrup feeder in quilt box

Hive news:

  • -We've had such lovely weather that I put 2:1 (sugar/water) syrup out for all the hives. I nestled the feeder jars in the quilt boxes so I didn't have to dismantle my previous winter prep.

  • -I was able to condense one of the nucleus colonies down and add a quilt box so they're finally all squared away for winter.

  • -Visited a mentee's hive and finally got to inspect it. It hasn't been inspected in 3 years and was falling apart a little (the frames, mainly). What I saw lines up with what I've been seeing in my own apiary (dearth hit them hard but they're shoring back up the stores). Advised on feeding syrup during nice weather, putting on fondant for winter, and adding insulation. I also intend to help her re-queen the colony in the Spring because these bees are defensive and moderately aggressive. Not a fun hive to work! She needs a gentle colony to help her enjoy the hobby.


Episode 32: Chicken Biology, Part 1


‘The Chicken Health Handbook’, Gail Damerow (primary)

‘Raising Chickens for Dummies’, Kimberley Willis, Robert T. Ludlow

Immune System

  • Function: defend the body against disease-causing microorganisms and pathogens

  • 3 primary lines of defense:

  1. Feathers, skin, and mucous membranes; hinder entrance of pathogens into the body

  2. Cells and chemicals; circulated in the bloodstream

  3. Enhanced immunity; aka immunological memory, the initial immune response establishes increased future response

Protective Feathers

Chicken feathers

  • 6-8% of a chicken's weight is made up of their feathers

  • Protects the skin from injury and sunburn, conserves body heat, and provides some degree of waterproofing

  • Chickens lose and replace feathers (moult) yearly, which happens over weeks (approximately 14-16 weeks) so the bird is never completely featherless, and occurs in late summer through fall

  • Feathers grow from follicles arranged in 10 symmetrical tracts located on the head, neck, shoulders, wings, breast, back, abdomen, rump, thighs, and legs

  • The follicles are linked by tiny muscles that raise and lower the feathers as needed (such as puffing up in cold weather)

  • These feather tracts (called pterylae) are separated by featherless areas (apteria)

  • Apteria may contain some down

  • Down: feathers closest to the body that lack the barbs and strong central shaft that other feathers have, which is why they’re so fluffy!

  • These featherless areas help cool the chicken in the heat by exposing the skin to circulating air

Anatomy of Feathers

Feather close up

  • Feathers are made of keratin (same as our fingernails and hair)

  • Each has a hard, central shaft

  • Bottom of each mature shaft, which is hollow, is called a quill

  • Immature feathers (pinfeathers or blood feathers) have a vein in the shaft, and grow covered in a thin, papery coating that wears off or is groomed away

  • When immature feathers reach their full length, the vein in the shaft slowly dries up

  • On both sides of the shaft are rows of barbs, and on these barbs are rows of barbules

  • Barbules have tiny hooks along their edges that connect them to their neighbours, creating a smooth feather

  • When chickens groom/preen, they are smoothing the feather barbs to help them lock together

  • Chickens also have a preen gland; a pea-sized uropygeal gland that secretes oil to condition and waterproof feathers

  • The colour of feathers comes from pigments in feathers and from the way keratin is layered

  • Colours from pigments: black, browns, reds, blues greys, and yellow

  • From keratin layering: iridescence

Skin and Mucosa

  • The skin is the largest organ in the body, making up 8% of a chicken’s weight

  • Chicken skin is thinner and more delicate than a mammal’s

  • Colour varies on breed, diet, age, egg production rate, and health; for instance, a young chicken with very little fat might have skin that is blue-ish in colour

  • Colour of the feathers does not effect the colour of the skin

  • Most breeds have yellow of white skin but some have all black (like Silkies)

  • On the skin, live beneficial microbes that keep harmful ones away via a process called ‘competitive exclusion’

  • Competitive exclusion: 2 species competing for the same limited resources cannot coexist at constant population values (one ultimately fails)

  • If the skin is damaged then these beneficial microbes can enter the body and cause disease

  • Mucosa (aka mucous membranes) line the openings of the body and also contain beneficial microorganisms or microflora, which also use competitive exclusion

  • These microbes are assisted in their defense role by moving fluids (mucous and tears; flushing action) and enzymes that combat invading microorganisms

Lymphatic System

  • Uninjured skin and mucosa are a strong defense against pathogens but certain factors (nutritional deficiency, disease, and injury) can allow pathogens to penetrate the body, which is when the lymphatic system comes into play

  • Lymph: watery fluid derived from the blood that accumulates in spaces between the body’s tissue cells

  • All body fluids lubricated by lymph

  • Lymph also contains lymphocytes; specialized white blood cells that neutralize or destroy invading microbes

  • Lymphocytes recognise invaders as antigens, which are any protein that differs from those naturally occurring within the body

  • When an antigen is detected, lymphocytes produce antibodies or immunoglobulins, which attach to the antigen and break down their defenses

  • Humans have a system of organized lymph nodes but chickens do not

  • Instead, chickens have lymphoid organs

  • Lymphoid: any body tissue that produces lymphocytes and antibodies

  • Lymphoid tissue occurs primarily in the spleen, thymus, and cloacal bursa but is also found in bone marrow, the intestines, respiratory system, and head


  • Dark red, round organ

  • Usually ¾ inch in diameter

  • Made up of red pulp and white pulp

  • Red pulp: destroys worn out/old red blood cells

  • White pulp: forms white blood cells/leukocytes

  • Both pulps produce antibodies

  • Not considered a vital organ; if it ceases to function, other organs can take over its job


  • Made up of several paired, flattened, pale-pink lobes of irregular shape; strung along the jugular vein on both sides of the neck for almost the entire length of the neck

  • # of pairs: 5-8

  • The thymus shrinks with age

  • Thymus and cloacal bursa are the chicken’s primary lymphoid organs

  • Both produce functional immune cells that are collected and stored by secondary lymphoid organs

  • Small lymphocytes produced in the thymus are called T cells

  • T cells: defend on a cellular level (known as cell-mediated immunity)

  • B cells: lymphocytes produced in cloacal bursa that produce antibodies that defend body fluids (non-cellular/humoral immunity)

  • Both B and T cells begin as stem cells produced during incubation in embryo’s yolk sac, liver, and bone marrow

  • The circulatory system delivers these cells to the thymus and cloacal bursa where they mature into B and T cells

Cloacal Bursa

  • Pale, grape-shaped organ above the cloaca

  • Largely responsible for controlling immunity and activating antibody production in chicks

  • The inside of the cloacal bursa consists of 2 dozen parallel folds of about 10,000 follicles that provide an ideal environment for the development of antibodies

  • In young birds, the cloacal bursa takes in fluids (known as ‘cloacal drinking’); a form of inoculation against environmental pathogens

  • Reaches maximum size between 6-12 weeks of age and then begins to shrink

  • By the time the bird is sexually mature (at 4-5 months), it is no longer functional

  • Certain diseases and nutritional deficiencies can cause premature atrophy of the bursa, resulting in a permanently compromised immune system



  • Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

  • Clusters of lymphoid nodules along the digestive tract

  • Majority in parts of the small intestine (called Peyer’s patches), base of the ceca (cecal tonsils), and in the Meckel’s diverticulum

  • Function: to protect against intestinal diseases

  • Accumulates as chick matures; maximum acquired at 16 weeks


  • Bronchial-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

  • Located in the trachea and bronchi

  • Function: protect against inhaled pathogens

  • Develops as chick grows; well developed by 8 weeks


  • Head-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

  • Includes nasal glands, tear glands, mucous membranes of the eyes, and a relatively large Harderian gland behind each eyeball

  • Function: protects the eyes, nasal cavity, and upper airways

Memory Cells

  • When T cells and B cells are exposed to an antigen, they develop antibodies specific to target that antigen, as well as memory cells that store information about the antigen

  • If the antigen enters the body again, the memory cells produce antibodies that attack the antigen

  • Over time, the immune system develops a wide range of antigen-specific memory cells

  • Once various lymphoid organs atrophy (as previously discussed), antigen-specific memory cells becomes the primary immune response

  • If a chicken is exposed to pathogens not experienced in its youth, the immune system has no memory cells to combat it and therefore no immune defense

  • This is a big part of why quarantine is so important!

Muscular System

  • Muscles = meat!

  • Muscle: made up of bundles of fibrous tissue with the ability to contract

  • 3 kinds of muscle:

  1. Cardiac: controls movement of the heart

  2. Smooth: controlled by autonomic (involuntary) nervous system

  3. Skeletal: voluntary movement (also the kind we eat!)

  • Different fibers make some muscles dark (dark meat) and some light (white meat)

  • Dark: heavily used like thighs and legs

  • Light: breast and wings (less active)

  • Muscles alternate contracting and relaxing, using a system of levers created by the chicken’s joints and skeletal system

  • Bones have ridges and bumps where muscles attach

Skeletal System


  1. Provide framework for muscles (allowing movement)

  2. To support the body

  3. To protect internal organs

  4. To store and release calcium

  5. To in respiration

Chicken anatomy (click for source)

Medullary Bone

  • Some bones of the skeleton contain marrow and medullary bone; a fluctuating substance

  • Lies inside the structural bone as a lining and extending as many tiny needle-like projections into the marrow

  • Unique to female birds

  • Fun fact! Since it’s unique to females, it is one way that scientists sex dinosaur fossils

  • As the pullet reaches sexual maturity and estrogen is produced, roughly 2 weeks before she lays her first egg, her system switches from developing structural bone to packing some of them with medullary bone

  • From then on, as long as she continues to lay, specialized cells in her bones reabsorb medullary bone and, to some extent, structural bone to provide calcium for egg shells

  • Laying hens that produce an egg a day cannot absorb enough calcium from diet alone to create a sturdy egg shell

  • Instead, she uses a considerable amount of skeletal calcium, gradually losing structural bone

  • Osteoporosis: condition where the bones become fragile and fracture more easily

  • Genetics, environment, and nutrition all influence bone loss

  • A diet deficient in calcium leads to faster skeletal calcium depletion; results in laying fewer eggs and then eventually stops

  • An otherwise healthy hen that stops laying will reduce estrogen production and resume formation of structural bone, restoring strength to her skeletal structure

  • Not a fun fact: highly productive hens kept in cages (like how most laying hens are treated) can develop cage fatigue, a form of paralysis that results in death due to the inability to reach food and water. Cages with solid bottoms seem to reverse this, as does removing the hen from the cage for a few days. Another reason not to buy grocery store eggs!

Pneumatic Bones

  • Found in both sexes

  • Contains diverticula (blind tubes) extending from the air sacs

  • These bones are hollow, reducing birds weight for flight

  • They increase the flow of oxygen for metabolism

  • Also serve as a cooling system

  • Pneumatic: Latin ‘pneumaticus’, “belonging to the air”

  • Connect bones to the respiratory system

  • Fractured pneumatic bone can lead to difficulty breathing and lead to an air sac infection

Pneumatic/Medullary bones (click for source)

Skeletal Issues

  • Leg weakness: common in large breeds

  • Keep young birds off slippery surfaces, feed a balanced diet, refrain from breeding birds with lameness or deformity

  • Lameness: not always skeletal in origin; can be neurological in nature, or due to muscle or nerve damage

  • Inflammation of the joints or synovial membrane

  • Synovial membrane: thin membranes lining joint cavities and tendon sheaths; secrete synovia, a fluid resembling thin egg whites that lubricates the joints

  • Synovitis: inflammation of the synovia membrane; causes excess synovia to be secreted, making the joint warm and swollen (painful). Often effects the hock (ankle joint).

  • Non-infectious and infectious synovitis

  • Bursitis: inflammation of the bursa; caused by pressure, friction, or injury of the membrane surrounding the joint

  • Bursa: small fluid filled sacs that cushion pressure points at joint

  • Keel (breastbone) bursitis is most common; known as ‘breast blister’; caused by pressure against the keel

Respiratory System

  • Includes: nasal cavity, sinuses, larynx, trachea (windpipe), syrinx (vocal organ), bronchi, lungs, and air sacs

  • Functions:

  1. Circulates oxygen throughout the body

  2. Removes carbon dioxide

  3. Aids in thermoregulation

  4. Allows chicken to vocalize

  • A chicken’s voice box is not like our own; it has no vocal chords, and instead consists of the syrinx at the bottom of the windpipe, where the trachea splits down into the two bronchi

  • The larynx in chickens functions purely to prevent food from entering the windpipe

  • Chicken vocalizations require cooperative effort of tracheal muscles, syrinx, air sacs, and respiratory muscles

  • Some muscles contract to force air from air sacs into the syrinx; others exert tension to alter the shape of the syrinx to create different sounds

  • The syrinx cannot be removed to prevent crowing in roosters due to its critical location (also this would be very cruel!)

Air Sacs

  • All birds have an extensive system of air sacs (thin-walled, bubble-like pockets) that circulate fresh air into various parts of the body

  • System extends around the internal organs, filling almost all the ‘empty’ cavity spaces, and into the pneumatic bones

  • Air sacs organized into 2 sets: one toward the front of the body (anterior/cranial air sacs), and one toward the rear (posterior/caudal air sacs)

  • Soon after a chick hatches, the anterior air sacs expand into the vertebrae of the neck

  • As the chick grows, the posterior air sacs expand into the vertebrae toward the pelvis

  • By maturity, air sacs have spread throughout the vertebrae

  • There are nine air sacs in total; all but one of which are paired

  • 9 air sacs:

Air sacs in chicken (click for source)

-Forward/anterior: 1x Cervical (neck, above esophogus); 2x Interclavicular (shoulder, between wishbones), 2x Thoracic, anterior (in front of lungs)

-Posterior/caudal: 2x Thoracic, posterior (behind lungs); 2x Abdominal (surrounding intestines)

  • Largest pair is the Abdominal

  • Air sacs fill and release air based on size of the body cavity, which is controlled by muscle movement

  • When resting, the abdominal muscles control breathing

  • When active, greater muscle movement causes body cavity to expand and contract, increasing air flow into air sacs

  • If a chicken still needs more oxygen, it flaps its wings to generate greater airflow; expanding air sacs further and drawing more air into the pneumatic bones

  • Fan fact: this is why roosters flap their wings before crowing! Big breath!

  • Air sacs are flexible but chicken lungs are rigid; they are solidly attached between the ribs and so unable to expand as our lungs do

  • Instead of lungs expanding and retracting, the air sacs do so instead

  • Incoming air goes directly from the trachea to the posterior air sacs then passes through the lungs into the anterior air sacs

  • Outgoing air goes directly from forward air sacs but passes through the lungs before going out of the rear sacs

  • Thus, air passes through the lungs in the same direction and the bird obtains oxygen on the in and out breath

  • This steady flow enables sufficient oxygen to maintain its high metabolism

Never squeeze your chickens!

  • Due to the expansion of the body cavity allowing airflow/breathing, squeezing tightly enough to prevent this is dangerous

  • This is especially an issue in baby chicks, who are very delicate

  • Always supervise young children when handling chicks, and be mindful yourself to never hold them too tightly

  • If a chicken seems to be struggling to breath, lift its wings or let it drop down a short distance to trigger reflexive flapping; this generate airflow (also works if the bird appears to have stopped breathing)

Respiratory Defenses

  • Trachea is lined with short, tiny, hair-like structures called cilia

  • Cilia vibrate/wave to whisk pathogens and dust particles back untoward the beak to keep them from the respiratory system

  • Excessive dust can overwhelm the cilia and cause them to become ineffective

  • The trachea produces mucus to help the cilia trap inhaled pathogens

  • Too much ammonia in a coop can cause thicker mucous production that inhibited the movement of the cilia

  • The lungs host scavenger cells that seek and destroy pathogens and dust before they spread to the air sacs

  • Mucous can also collect at the bottom of the trachea, clogging up the bronchi, which blocks the air from entering the lungs and air sacs, causing suffocation

  • Clean environment/coop is vitally important!


  • Inflammation of the air sacs

  • Caused by bacterial infection

  • Usually affects younger chickens, especially broilers

  • Signs including failure to eat, rapid weight loss, coughing, strained breathing, and high death rate amongst the flock

  • Air sacs have few blood vessels and most antimicrobials medicines are delivered through the bloodstream so this condition is hard to effectively treat

Ruptured Air Sacs

  • Can occur at any age

  • Rough handling, fighting, crash landing or falling can cause this

  • Considered a form of airsacculitis, ruptured air sacs allows air to leak into the chicken’s body, causing the skin to puff up and give the bird an inflated appearance

  • Also known as ‘windpuff’

  • Technical term: subcutaneous emphysema

  • Subcutaneous: under the skin

  • Often the rupture will heal on its own

  • Isolating the chicken might be needed to reduce stress and aid in healing

  • Deflation of the air pocket can be done with a sterile needle if it is causing an inability to move or pain; likely will need to be repeated, though

  • If the rupture is very bad, the chicken will likely die; this is seen more often in chicks

Respiratory Disease

  • The most common cause of death in chickens

  • Causes can be nutritional, parasitic, bacterial, fungus, viral, or environmental

  • Most serious ones are viral; spread easily in moist air, expelled by sick bird when coughing, sneezing, or just breathing

  • Respiratory distress is sometimes a reaction to vaccination, especially for Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis

  • RI diseases often occur in combination so a flock cured of one disease might still show symptoms of a second

  • Best defense: develop flock’s genetic resistance via good breeding practices and providing a healthy, well ventilated living environment

  • Also, quarantine new additions!

  • Signs/symptoms include: laboured breathing, sniffling, gasping, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, foamy/watery eyes

Vital Statistics

  • Average lifespan: 5-8 years

  • Maximum lifespan: 18-22 years

  • Max. productive life: 12-15 years

  • Body temperature (average):

Adult: 103F/39.4C

Adult, deep body: 107F/41.7C

Chick: 106.7F/41.5C

  • Respiration rate (at rest)

Cock: 12-21 breaths per minute

Hen: 31-37

  • Heart rate (average)

Adult, large breed: 250 beats per minute (BPM)

Adult, small breed: 350 BPM

Chick: 300 BPM

  • Important note: chicken heart rate and temperature are so variable that they’re not considered a reliable diagnostic tool


Next episode, Chicken Biology Pt2, will cover the digestive system, male reproductive system, nervous system, and circulatory system.

Thanks so much for listening/reading! I hope you're all staying safe and healthy. Remember to hug your hens (and roosters!) and then wash your hands. And enjoy the Autumn weather and sights while you can! Chappie is embracing all the leafpiles.

Enjoy Autumn!

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